Monday, May 11, 2009

Can I plant old spring flowering bulbs in spring?

I know they tell you to plant spring flowering bulbs in fall, and plant summer-fall flowering bulbs in spring.....but I heard that you can get away with planting hyacinth and tulips bulbs in that true?? (By the way, the bulbs are not brand new- they were from last years Easter flowers that I trimmed and stored away).

Can I plant old spring flowering bulbs in spring?
They will be fine - their flowers are pre-formed inside the bulbs, and so you may get some poorer flowers this year, as the bulbs have not made a good root system over winter.

Plant them, and give them a good feeding this spring, so that they can try to strengthen themselves ready for next spring's flowers - otherwise, be prepared to take a hit for a while, whilst they recover from a poorer growing season.

Give them a cool position, as they will still think it's winter time, and will try to put out roots before growing shoots, but the temperatures of the soil will ultimately push them to send shoots up.

Hope this helps. Good luck! Rob
Reply:You can plant them, but I doubt they will bloom this year, maybe next.

Reply:Yes you can plant them, it is a crap shoot but they will surely do better than if you wait until fall.
Reply:As long as the ground is still cold they should do fine. But

I have always heard they should be planted at the end of winter or start of spring while the ground is still cold. Also the norm for bulbs is to dig them up when the foliage is just about gone, after flowering, then replant them at the end of winter.

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