Monday, May 11, 2009

When is the earliest time to plant flowers, etc., in spring in West Texas?

Follow your weather and when all danger of frost is gone, you can plant whatever you want. Be certain that frost warnings have not been in the picture or might be coming. Also, when the temperature of the soil is 60 degrees and holding. There are cold loving plants such as pansies that will withstand about anything. A local nursery can tell you what is hardy right now. Seeds will, however, need that warm soil to germinate.

When is the earliest time to plant flowers, etc., in spring in West Texas?
If they are bulbs, now is good; but if they are flowers, you still risk another slight freeze, depending upon how far south you are.
Reply:Now is good.
Reply:West Texas has unpredictable weather. I used to wait until the middle or late March to be sure there was no chance of a freeze It seemed there was always another freeze just waiting to happen in February. Good luck and stay away from them tornados. Have a great garden.
Reply:Around the second week of March.

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